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My music 2014/07/28创建
《李斯特钢琴独奏全集》(Liszt Complete Music For Solo Piano),共计97CD,现已发布完毕,其中最后一个链接New Liszt Discoveries为第58,59CD的打包,内容一样,第58CD内无图,如果需要图的可以下最后一个链接,请留意说明,勿向我索要,我也不会回复通知.

由于本人琐事繁多,导致本贴更新日久,给大家造成了诸多不便,所幸还是坚持发完了,感谢大家的支持, 文件体积都较大,请需要的朋友耐心等待,下载完毕尽量留源分流


弗朗兹·李斯特Franz Liszt(1811一1886)


弗朗兹·李斯特于1811年10月22日生于匈牙利雷定(Raiding, Hungary)。当时匈牙利是奥匈帝国的一部分,李斯特的父亲是匈牙利人,母亲是奥地利的日耳曼族人,因此他有两个名字,分别是匈牙利和德语两种拼法。李斯特从小随母亲说德语,直到晚年才学会用匈牙利语写作。

李斯特六岁起开始学习音乐,并于此后不久移居维也纳,曾先后作为萨里埃里(Antonio Salieri,或译萨列里)、车尔尼(Carl Czerny)、雷哈、巴埃尔的弟子。












Hyperion官网上关于的Leslie Howard介绍

Renowned concert pianist Leslie Howard has given recitals and concerto performances all over the world. His repertoire embraces the whole gamut of the piano literature from the time of the instrument抯 inception to the music of the present day. As a soloist, and in chamber music and song, Leslie Howard is a familiar figure at numerous international festivals. With a vast array of more than 80 concertos, he has played with many of the world抯 great orchestras, working with many distinguished conductors. The recital programmes that Leslie Howard gives on his extensive travels throughout the world are always noted for their communication of his personal joy in musical discovery, and his playing for its combination of intellectual command and pianistic spontaneity.

Leslie Howard\'s gramophone recordings include music by Franck, Grainger, Grieg, Granados, Rakhmaninov, Rubinstein, Sibelius, Stravinsky, Tchaikovsky and, most important of all, Liszt. For fourteen years he was engaged on the largest recording project ever undertaken by a solo pianist: the complete solo piano music of Ferenc Liszt - a project which was completed in a total of 94 compact discs on the Hyperion label. The publication of the series was completed in the autumn of 1999. The importance of the Liszt project cannot be overemphasized: it encompasses world premi鑢e recordings, including much music prepared by Dr Howard from Liszt抯 still unpublished manuscripts, and works unheard since Liszt\'s lifetime. Leslie Howard has been awarded the Grand Prix du Disque on five occasions, and a further Special Grand Prix du Disque was awarded upon the completion of the Liszt series. He is currently the President of the British Liszt Society, and he holds numerous international awards for his dedication to Liszt\'s music. In 2000 he was honoured by Hungary with the Pro Cultura Hungarica award.

Recent Hyperion releases include the Tchaikovsky Sonatas; a double CD of music by Anton Rubinstein; Ungarischer Romanzero - a CD entirely of unpublished music by Liszt; two double CDs containing all 17 of Liszt抯 works for piano and orchestra, with the Budapest Symphony Orchestra and Karl Anton Rickenbacher, and a double CD, The Essential Liszt, presenting highlights from the series.

Leslie Howard抯 work as a composer encompasses opera, orchestral music, chamber music, sacred music and songs, and his facility in completing unfinished works has resulted in commissions as diverse as a new realisation of Bach\'s Musical Offering and completions of works by composers such as Mozart, Liszt and Tchaikovsky. He is also a regular writer on music and broadcaster on radio and television.

Leslie Howard was born in Australia, educated there, in Italy and in England, and he has made his home in London for many years. He gives regular masterclasses in tandem with his performances around the world. He is a member of The London Beethoven Trio with violinist Catherine Manson and cellist Thomas Carroll.

In the 1999 Queen抯 Birthday Honours Leslie Howard was appointed a Member in the Order of Australia [AM] 揻or service to the arts as a musicologist, composer, piano soloist and mentor to young musicians?

Liszt.Complete.Music.For.Solo.Piano.Vol.1 - The Waltzes



曲名 12个

曲名 艺术家
09 Track09 李斯特
12 Track12 李斯特
04 Track04 李斯特
03 Track03 李斯特
07 Track07 李斯特
10 Track10 李斯特
08 Track08 李斯特
02 Track02 李斯特
05 Track05 李斯特
01 Track01 李斯特
11 Track11 李斯特
06 Track06 李斯特
  • 我的音乐,你的心



