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My music 2014/04/09创建

曲名 23个

曲名 艺术家
猜调(a song of riddles) 鲍元恺
小放牛(the cowherd boy) 鲍元恺
小河淌水(flowing stream) 鲍元恺
蓝花花(lan huahua) 鲍元恺
女娃担水(a theme and variations on a folksong from shannxi) 鲍元恺
槐花几时开(expecting the blossom of the scholartree) 鲍元恺
太阳出来喜洋洋(happiness at sunrise) 鲍元恺
放马山歌(the wrangler's song) 鲍元恺
夫妻逗趣(the amusing couple) 鲍元恺
雨不洒花花不红(blossoming for rainwater) 鲍元恺
无锡景(the scenery in wuxi) 鲍元恺
走绛州(going to jiangzhou) 鲍元恺
杨柳青(green willow) 鲍元恺
茉莉花(jasmine) 鲍元恺
对花(can you guess what flower it is) 鲍元恺
绣荷包(embroidering on a pouch) 鲍元恺
闹元宵(happiness of the lantern festival) 鲍元恺
走西口(going to the west gate) 鲍元恺
小白菜(little cabbage) 鲍元恺
看秧歌(going to watch yangge dance) 鲍元恺
紫竹调(bamboo-flute tune) 鲍元恺
黄杨扁担(yellow poplar shouldering pole) 鲍元恺
爬山调(a tune of mountain climbing) 鲍元恺
  • 我的音乐,你的心



