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谱集凯文·科恩| 钢琴里的恬静风光【高清】

古典计划 2020/07/24创建
凯文·科恩(Kevin Kern),新英格兰音乐学院钢琴硕士的钢琴,散发出活跃、引人深省的聆赏魅力,即使是在极弱到几乎无声的乐段,依然洋溢出无法言喻的深刻情感,前三张畅销专集《In the Enchanted Garden》、《Summer Daydreams》、《Beyond the Sundial》在全球销售皆已突破金唱片,张张皆为行家指定收藏的新世纪名盘。

谱名 29个

谱名 调性 演奏难度 艺术家
Kevin Kern:Until Tomorrow 降A调
凯文·科恩Kevin Kern
Kevin Kern:Bittrsweet C调
凯文·科恩Kevin Kern
Kevin Kern:Tomorrow's Promise E调
凯文·科恩Kevin Kern
Kevin Kern:Love's First Smile 降D调
凯文·科恩Kevin Kern
Kevin Kern:Afer the Rain 降B调
凯文·科恩Kevin Kern
Kevin Kern:Paper Clouds F调
凯文·科恩Kevin Kern
Kevin Kern:Fairy Wings b小调
凯文·科恩Kevin Kern
Kevin Kern:Sundial Dreams 降G调
凯文·科恩Kevin Kern
Kevin Kern:Through the Arbor D调
凯文·科恩Kevin Kern
Kevin Kern:To Sleep on Angel' Wings E调
凯文·科恩Kevin Kern
Kevin Kern:Touch the Sky a小调
凯文·科恩Kevin Kern
Kevin Kern:Passages G调
凯文·科恩Kevin Kern
Kevin Kern:Hide and Seek 降B调
凯文·科恩Kevin Kern
Kevin Kern:Into the Realm 降D调
凯文·科恩Kevin Kern
Kevin Kern:A Distant Shade of Green G调
凯文·科恩Kevin Kern
Kevin Kern:A Time Remembered 降A调
凯文·科恩Kevin Kern
Kevin Kern:Where Paths Meet 降B调
凯文·科恩Kevin Kern
Kevin Kern:Threads of Light 降E调
凯文·科恩Kevin Kern
Kevin Kern:Beyond the Sundial D调
凯文·科恩Kevin Kern
Kevin Kern:Emerald Legacy 降B调
凯文·科恩Kevin Kern
Kevin Kern:Le Jardin g小调
凯文·科恩Kevin Kern
Kevin Kern:Once in the Long Ago F调
凯文·科恩Kevin Kern
Kevin Kern:Retum to Love A调
凯文·科恩Kevin Kern
Kevin Kern:Water Tapestry D调
凯文·科恩Kevin Kern
Kevin Kern:Pan's Return 降B调
凯文·科恩Kevin Kern
Kevin Kern:Pastel Reflections 降B小调
凯文·科恩Kevin Kern
Kevin Kern:Whisperings F调
凯文·科恩Kevin Kern
Kevin Kern:Summer Daydreams 降A调
凯文·科恩Kevin Kern
Kevin Kern:Dance of the Dragonfly D调
凯文·科恩Kevin Kern
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